Hello & Welcome.
I'm Oliver Rompcik,

a Cologne based Open Source Specialist
with 25+ Years of Experience with Linux and *BSD.


About Me, Myself & I

Hi, I'm Oliver, an Open Source enthusiast and confessed Unix lover:

My fascination for computers started at the age of 10 with a Commodore VIC-20. Two years later I already wrote commercial programs on Atari 800 in 6502-assembler, followed by great times with C on the superb 16-bit Amiga. All this led to studies in theoretical computer science.
In 1994 - during my first semester - I came into contact with Linux, a little later also with *BSD. And I fell in love with the clean and beautiful design of Unix and the openness of code of these implementations. Since that time I am deeply connected with Open Source Unix derivates.

I've worked as consultant, administrator & programmer (system and web), teamlead and trainer for a dozen companies, including Rewe Informationssysteme, Postbank Systems, ORDIX, JCDecaux, some TV Stations and many others. Currently I work for Bechtle as Senior Linux Consultant.

In my private life I am a happy family father, founder and leader of a local Linux- & Unix-usergroup (bluefrogs), like the systemd-free Debian-fork "Devuan" and live with my lovely family in a suburban area of Cologne.

Get in touch with me?

Wanna say hello? Or ask something? Here you have the chance to do so. And pls. no spam - it's not worth waisting the energy which is needed to process and transport the message. Avoiding unnecessary traffic helps a little in saving our planet...


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Tel: (+49)157-seven zero null eight five too 2 ate (speak it)

Neuborn 12,
51429 Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

Privacy Policy

The operator of this website is not interested in visitors data at all. The site does not use any cookies. It does not include references to foreign sources like Google Analytics or any other data-collecting companies. The only data that is recorded (automatically) is the webserver logfile. It records this (non-personal) data:

  • timestamp of the request
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If the user uses the contact form, he submits additional - this time personal - data which is transferred SSL-encrypted only. There are no hidden form fields, only the visible ones. The operator will not give any bit of this data to third persons.

Why no Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn & Co?

Simply because I don't like to give my personal data to companies whose interests mainly consist in making money. They can promise whatever...
I try to keep my private data private.
The only - selected - information about me is here on my site. It is useless to invite me to any social network, as I would silently ignore it.

Why no Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn & Co?

Simply because I don't like to give my personal data to companies whose interests mainly consist in making money. They can promise whatever...
I try to keep my private data private.
The only - selected - information about me is here on my site. It is useless to invite me to any social network, as I would silently ignore it.

Why no Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn & Co?

Simply because I don't like to give my personal data to companies whose interests mainly consist in making money. They can promise whatever...
I try to keep my private data private.
The only - selected - information about me is here on my site. It is useless to invite me to any social network, as I would silently ignore it.


Responsible for the content of this site is
Oliver Rompcik
Neuborn 12
51429 Bergisch Gladbach

All background-images show different views of beautiful Cologne
Source of background-images: Unsplash